Food preservation: Effect on health and economy.

From the farmers to the distributors, vendors, and to consumers, our food goes through a lot of wary conditions, and in all of that, a lot of times, the food is not even preserved well. Food that could save millions of lives, increase incomes, and put meals on the tables of families is wasted every day due to the negligence of appropriate preservation. This condition has not only robbed the farmer of valuable income, the consumer of appropriate food, but the nation a part of its Gross Domestic Product.

Economic Impact

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, largest national economy, leading oil exporter, and largest food producer. According to research done by the World Bank, each year Nigeria loses and wastes 40% of its total food production, equal to 31% of its total land use and producing 5% of the country’s GHG emissions. A huge part of this is a result of the lack of importance attached to and the inability to provide suitable methods for food preservation.

Health Complications



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